What are the tips to scale through in Sandbox mode?


Echoing Footsteps
Winning in the Sandbox mode when playing any of the series in Dead Rising is never easy, but there is a need to understand the basics that you should always work on. One of them is that you need to upgrade your health and inventory if you wish to stand firm. Also, avoiding large hordes and taking breaks can come in handy when playing in this mode. What are the ones that you always apply when playing in the Sandbox mode?
See how you can combine weapons to combat in Sandbox mode to win rather than depending on conventional weapons. And also, see things in the environment you can use to combat like cars etc.
Make sure to avoid being killed, steer clear of large groups of zombies, look for more food, health packs and more weapons.
Use benches, tables to take out zombies, it will help a lot for you to survive.
I always find combat magazines quite early. They give me valuable prestige points that would be very vital in the long run for my survival.
Well, when I play in Sandbox mode, I always focus on upgrading my health and inventory. For me being able to carry more and survive longer is very important. I also make sure to gather as many weapons as possible, especially ones with good durability. Another tip I follow is to keep an eye on safe zones and use them to take breaks or regroup.