
Spooky Spice

Creeping Fear
"Siren," released in 2003, is a classic survival horror game featuring a diverse cast of characters, a disturbing storyline, and a scary atmosphere. The game excels in delivering psychological horror, with zombie-like creatures resulting from a jinxed ritual known as "Shibito." If you're looking for a psychological horror experience or enjoy slow-burn narratives, "Siren" is an excellent choice.
I remember playing Siren a while back, and it definitely gave me the creeps! The whole Shibito thing was so disturbing, and the atmosphere was pretty eerie. If you’re into slow-burn horror games, it’s definitely worth a try. It’s not the kind of game that rushes through anything
I really liked Siren. The eerie atmosphere and slow-burn psychological horror made it so gripping. I loved how the game focused on stealth and strategy over action. I think is a games that you not forget for a long time. By the way, have you played the sequels of this game, or are you more into the original?
The enemies in Siren which are the Shiboto are unpredictable in their movements. They only responded to sound. This made it difficult for the player to have a prepared fixed strategy to combat them. That's another layer of difficulty that made the game really horrifying.