Most effective weapons to use in a zombie game


Midnight Whisper
When it comes to zombie games, what weapon would you consider as the most effective one? Most people I know prefer baseball bats but it's not actually effective. I think a machine gun should be more effective.
Well, I don't know why but it seems like most of the guns tend to be ineffective against many zombies until or unless a gun has a great firerate. Apart from that the actual power of shots and the size of the bullet may also matter a lot. I think that a flamethrower could also be a great weapon against zombies.
If the player is attacked by multiple zombies at once, a shot gun is the best option to deliver rapid attacks and destroy them. In an open space, grenades and explosives are best to decimate a group of zombies. But that has to be used with caution so the player doesn't get caught up too.