AMA Hello, I'm Al - intro and AMA

Ask Me Anything, no seriously, anything.


Devious Tyrant
Hey! I'm Al, the guy behind the curtain, the man who decided that the best ever idea was to build a community about horror games. A good idea? Hmm, maybe. I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember and one of my most memorable experiences was with the original Resident Evil on the first PlayStation. Ya, I am that old.

As I said on the main DREADPIXELS About Page:

"I loved playing Resident Evil [but] I quickly realised that I lacked the nerve to play real, intense, immersive, horror games. I always wanted to. There’s something just so chilling about starring in your own horror movie, but I’m afraid. I get sucked in. My skin crawls and the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. That’s what’s supposed to happen, right? I’ve decided to face my fear and take the plunge into the darker side of gaming."

I decided to start DREADPIXELS to chart my experiences with horror gaming after so many years playing it safe. This community is for those like me and the braver souls too - whether you're cautiously creeping through horror games with one eye closed and the lights on, or boldly charging into the next terrifying encounter safe in the knowledge that it's only a game. It's a place for everyone who enjoys the thrill and heart-pounding moments that only horror games can deliver. I get scared easily, but there's something about the creeping dread which draws me in. It’s like a twisted thrill, where I know I’m about to be terrified, yet I can’t resist the pull.

So that's me; feel free to ask me anything.
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